Monday September 19 marked the third episode of the new blog talk radio show Maxine Marsolini and I host as a team at The River
I interviewed Jan Coates about her new book Attitud-inize, 10 Secrets to a Positive You. After hearing her stories about a childhood spent with a mentally-ill mother, how she was beat with hangers, locked in closets and sexually abused at age nine while her hair was still wet on the pillow following her baptism at church, I couldn't believe the sparkling forgiving attitude I saw in her.
Not long before we went on-air Angela Breidenbach, Mrs. America 2009, emailed to say that though she knows Jan Coates, they had never talked about their mentally-ill mothers. So after Jan encouraged listeners for half an hour, Angie came on the line and the two of them shared stories about their mothers. Both mothers had been bag ladies. Both mothers found the Lord before they died. I choked back tears.
You can still listen in the archives by entering the site and clicking on that program at You'll admire both women. I promise.