Monday, November 26, 2012

Prayer Prompting Stones
A Hands-on Prayer List

 Great Hand-Crafted Christmas Present
© Jeannie St. John Taylor

               All through the Bible, God uses stones as reminders.

                In the first book of the Bible, Jacob took the stone he used as a pillow and set it upright so he would remember the place where God met him in a dream (see Gen 28:11).

                God wrote his Ten Commandments on a stone with his own finger so his children would never forget his laws (see Ex.31:18).

               He instructed Moses to incorporate engraved precious stones into the clothing the high priest wore when entering the Most Holy Place. When God saw the stones he was “reminded of his people continually” (Ex. 28:29 NLT).

               When the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land, God told them to set up memorial stones on the bank of the river so that, in the future, their children would be curious and ask about the stones. Their questions would remind the parents to share the story of how God opened a path through the Jordan River when the Ark of the LORD started across (see Josh. 4:6-9).

               In the New Testament, the Apostle Peter refers to Jesus as the cornerstone and declares we are the living stones God is building into his spiritual temple (see 2 Pet. 2: 5,6). The last book of the Bible mentions the white stone engraved with the new name
Jesus will give us when we enter heaven and change into perfect beings (see Rev. 2:17).

               How appropriate for us to use stones as visual reminders to pray for our friends and loved ones, the very people Jesus longs to perfect as he builds them into the living stones of his temple.

Assembling the Stones

Purchase polished semi-precious colored stones at a gift store or buy polished river rocks at any craft store

Making the Stones into a Prayer List

With a fine point permanent marker or an enamel pen, neatly print the name of one person for whom
You wish to pray on each stone. A single name can represent an entire family: i.e. “Barb” might remind you to pray for Barb, her husband, her parents and all ten of her children.

Arrange the name-stones in a dish that has a special meaning for you. I like to use a crystal bowl, or
shallow crystal coaster for fewer stones, because crystal symbolizes purity. You may use a bowl with special meaning to your family.

 Or you may prefer a hand-crafted earthen bowl to help you remember we humans are made of clay.
Set the stones in the bowl on a table or the counter where they will catch your eye and remind you to pray.

How to Use the Name Stones

               Every day, sort through the name-stones one at a time. As you read the name on each stone, ask the Holy Sprit to show you how to pray for the name on the stone and the names he / she represents. Then pause for a moment before you begin praying to give the Holy Spirit time to speak into your thoughts.

More Ways to Use the Stones

Explain the purpose of the stones to your loved ones. Then expect to hear clicking sounds when they’re
alone in a room with the stones. They will be sorting through the pile, looking for their name-stone, feeling
affirmed and loved by you — and God.

To help with a difficult day at school, let your child take his / her name-stone with him / her. It will
Comfort your child as he / she remembers you are praying.

Display the stones in a prominent place in your home or on your desk  at work. They will offer unexpected
opportunities to witness.

When someone is going through a difficult time, stick their name-stone in your pocket or purse to remind
yourself to pray through the day.

Look Up These Stones in the Bible

Altars built from uncut stones (see Ex. 20:25)

Stones used to determine God’s will, the Urim and Thummim, (see Ex. 28:30)

Stones used to kill Goliath, the giant threatening God’s people (see 1 Sam. 17:40)

Stones used to execute lawbreakers (see Deut. 13:10)

Repairing the stone walls that surround and protect Jerusalem (see Neh. Chapters 3 & 4)

Stones would cheer for Jesus if people didn’t (See Luke 19:40)

No stone could keep Jesus in the grave (Mark 16:3,4)

Precious stones inlaid into the walls of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:18)

   Always remember that the stones themselves have no power. They are simply a visual reminder to pray.

(Jeannie’s Prayer Stone come packaged as a kit complete with
stones, bowl, and a name pen on