Thursday, May 19, 2011

Next Week -- TWO Chapters

I’m hearing great things about my novel City of a Thousand Gods from readers:

  • Chris from Florida, who is reading chapters on my blog, added her own thoughts to my last Weekly Prayer. “And please help Jeannie hurry up and post Chapter Fourteen.”
  • One Kindle reader from Illinois said the novel is the second best book she’s ever read. I didn’t ask for the name of the very best book because I really want to believe she means the Bible.
  • The mother of one of our Freshmen Congressmen in DC said the novel should be a movie. She could “see” the story as she read and pronounced City the “best” novel she ever read. (Take that, Kindle reader.)
  • A television host from Alabama called the characters “compelling” and said she stayed glued to the pages.
  • Patti on the Oregon Coast expected to be bored, but is fascinated.
  • Sandy in Michigan complained that the chapter about Elika (my favorite character in the novel) was shorter than she wanted. I agreed. You’ll find two more Elika point-of-view chapters later in the book.

So Sandy and Chris, just for you -- and because on Monday we’ll be talking about the themes and purposes of the novel on the radio show I co-host with Maxine Marsolini – I’m going to post two chapters next week. The first on Monday and another on Wednesday. Watch for them.

Meanwhile, next Monday go to and listen to Maxine and I chat about City of a Thousand Gods, why I wrote the book and how I think Noah’s end-of-the-world story parallels our time.

That’s Monday, May 23, at 6 PM Eastern and 3 PM Pacific. I’m afraid other time zones will just have to figure out show times on their own because my math skills are limited. 

Not to worry, however. You can go to the site and listen to the archived show any time after we leave the air.

See you then!

Uh. . . 
Well, maybe I won’t actually see you, but I’ll know if you’re listening or not. I mean it. I’ll know. I will!

So if you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen.

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