Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prayer Request.

    People from several countries around the globe are reading my novel  City of a Thousand Gods on my blog and on the online newspaper The Cypress Times. Many of them are from strict Muslim countries where converting to Christianity could result in death. For their protection, I choose not to name the countries. I have no idea if these readers are seeking the True God or are already Believers or if they just like an exciting read. Even if they come from the latter group, I believe that by opening themselves to a story about God they open a path for him to speak to them.
  • Please pray that more people from those countries would hear about or stumble onto the book.
  • Pray they would feel drawn to the oft-stated theme of the book --  there is ONLY One True God.
  • Pray that God would strengthen them and increase their desire and willingness to know the God whose story appears in the Old Testament and continues into the New Testament with the revelation and subsequent death and resurrection of his Son. 
  • Pray that the One God would be understood for who he is and not confused with another god.
  • Pray for their protection. 
  • Thank the Lord for them. They're your brothers and sisters.
  • Pray for them to obtain a Bible if they don't have one.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to flow into and through them. 
  • And please remember to pray for the young pastor in Iran who has been sentenced to death for converting to Christianity. Pray for his wife and two children and for the people he ministers to in house churches. Pray for protection, courage and determination that the name of the Lord will be glorified.
Thank you so much. 

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