Thursday, April 14, 2011

Board Book in Three Days!!

I returned home last Friday, after approximately a week helping with my newborn granddaughter and fifteen-month old grandson. Even though writing and illustrating a book customarily takes me several months, I managed to get a board book called Color Cows together in three days. Three days!

I'll admit the project left me feeling a little unsettled since it isn't my best work, but doing it in that short time still felt like an accomplishment. I was forced to rush because my husband goes in for kidney cancer surgery tomorrow, Friday, and I had limited time to get it written, illustrated, assembled by hand and mailed.

Gray cow
Purple cow
Chewing cows
Moo! cows

What was my motivation? Titus has recently come to love cows. LOVE them. Though he speaks in garbled words and rudimentary sentences, the word he says most often -- Mooooo! -- is not difficult to understand. Practice makes perfect.

At bedtime he chooses board books with cows in them so he can do his "Moo!" thing. During the day he often goes to the computer, points and begs for Youtube videos of cows mooing. He's standing in front of the computer in his jammies here. See the pleading Moo! on his lips?

I wanted to give him the pleasure of saying his moos while learning his colors. So as soon as I got home I wrote and illustrated rapidly.

Brown cow
Light green cow
Waving cows
Moo! cows    


Pink cow
Yellow cow
Juggling cows
Moo! cows

Final spread -- my husband's idea since cows are all female: