Jeannie's Journals and Products

These journals, which were designed and written by Jeannie, use her artwork. Originally designed for and published by CBD, they are now out of print. $8.00 each plus $3.00 S&H
or get one free (as long as they last) with
every order of three or more books.

Prayer Prompting Stones . . . SOLD OUT . . .  but . . .  Though these are no longer in production, if you ask about the stones in the comment section I'll blog about how to put together your own set of PRAYER STONES and explain how to use them. I promise this is a marvelous product that offers opportunities to witness. People will actually ask you to explain the purpose of the stones (prayer) if you put them on your desk at work. I designed this product for adults, but parents have had great success using them with children.              

1 comment:

Lullie said...