Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Am I Praying? Now On Youtube

Over the past few months, several people have contacted me to say they've searched for my picture book, Am I Praying?, but can't find it. Anywhere. Not even used. 

While it isn't strictly true that there are no copies (there are always a few on Amazon)  most available ones are way overpriced. The first time I checked the Internet I found only two and they cost upwards of $1,000.00 each! One was $997.00 and the other was priced a little higher. I suspect neither of those sold. Usually copies are more reasonably priced, though they still often cost from thirty dollars to over three hundred dollars. 

That's sad for me because I write as a ministry -- not for the money -- and I want everyone to read Am I Praying because of the fun way it teaches about prayer. One time a seventy-two-year-old electrician told my husband and I that after reading the book he knew for the first time in his life when he was praying and when he was not. He 'got' prayer!

I love that! 

I want everyone to 'get' the concept of prayer. Especially children. I want children to hear all about Jesus and all the benefits of following him as early as possible. Did you know that only ten percent of Christians find the Lord after the age of fourteen? And an astonishing number fall away from the faith in their adult years. Though there are no guarantees since God gave us free will, I hope that good solid instruction in how to follow Christ will make a difference, and I believe Am I Praying? offers one small way parents can help establish their children in the faith.

So I hope you will click on the link above, listen to the book in Youtube and then pass the word to your friends. The more people who go to my channel, the more people Youtube will send there. That means even non-Believers will be tempted to listen. And that makes me smile.


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